The energetics of a crisis


For a lot of people, what we are currently living is unique, very challenging and far from what they have experienced before, hence there are no parallels or points of reference to help navigate the difficulties they are encountering. Most of us are making do somehow. Our certainties and daily habits - from where we choose to eat, where we go on holidays, how we spend a weekend or simply how we pay for our shopping - have changed or completely crumbled… And possibly, the most challenging of all is the lack of clarity as to how long this period is going to last. One question that I hear a lot is when do we get back to living the way we were? But do we ever go back to somewhere in the same way we experienced it before? The answer is probably no, as with every new experience, we change, we evolve, we may get scarred and even if the circumstances around us return to what they were, we are different, so we don’t. That is not good nor bad, it is simply as it is.

From a Yogic point of view, I think it is important to understand how all of this is affecting us, and possibly which tools we have to reach for though this period. I think first of all, we need to understand that resisting change does not help, so trying instead to adapt to the new ways and flow with them as much as possible. Certainly looking at what we have instead of what we don’t have, helps us to maintain a positive perspective.

Energetically I want to talk about your foundation centre, Let’s call it our root. Anything that makes you feel unstable, uncertain, whatever challenges your health, your basic needs like finances or work; any drastic change in general will somehow shake your root. A little like a small earthquake would affect your balance. And I guess right now this is what is happening on a massive large scale around the planet. It does not even have to be happening to you, for you to be affected. Etherically, just knowing that a pandemic is affecting the planet, will shake you. The fact that some people are losing their jobs makes you feel less secure about yours. the fact that some people hoard on shopping, makes you think that you may not have enough yourself.

So, if that is possibly what you are feeling, and experiencing, then how do you balance that? What Yoga tools are there to help you (mind you not fixing the world but to make you less reactive, more centred, not so emotional or anxious)? In Asana we may focus more on standing postures, balances, foundations, feet and hands when they are in touch with the Earth. Pranayama may have a more calming and nourishing quality. Do some relaxation, anything from breath awareness to Yoga Nidra.

What about off the mat? Stay regular, create healthy habits and abide to them, pacifying Vata. Go to sleep early and wake up early. eat well and possibly in a calm way, for instance, can you eat your meals at the same time every day? Avoid too many stimulants like too many coffees or too much alcohol. Be present as much as possible: you need calm and awareness to navigate the unknown. Do your regular Yoga practice. Whatever you watch, listen, read or take into your system, make sure it is nourishing and not overstimulating or agitating. And more importantly, be easy on yourself, keep your sense of humour and value what is important in your life and who is. Priorities in time of crisis are shining clearer than ever and that may just be the main gift we are all getting out of this.
